Feb 06, 2025  
2019-2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Matters

Full-time students at Shippensburg University spend an average of 16 hours each week attending classes. It is evident, then, the individual student determines to a large extent how much will be gained from an education at Shippensburg. The university makes every effort to provide an environment of curricular and extracurricular activities to enhance student life.

University Housing

Shippensburg University provides accommodations for approximately 2,000 registered full-time degree-seeking students in eight residence facilities. The university offers six suite-style residence halls: Kieffer Hall, Lackhove Hall, McCune Hall, Naugle Hall, Harley Hall, and Seavers Hall. All suites are fully furnished. Full suites include food prep and living rooms. No more than two students share a bathroom in any of the five suite unit types.

McLean Hall and Mowrey Hall are traditional residence halls with double occupancy and common bathrooms. Mowrey Hall provides a single room living option to graduate students that also work for the university.

All housing facilities are wired with a free wireless computer network that allows each student access to e-mail, the Internet, library resources, and the university mainframe computer. Each room, suite, and apartment also has cable television, HBO, phone service, and voice mail. Laundry services are also available in all of the residential buildings. Student mail is processed at the UPS Store in the CUB.

Residency requirements for residing in campus housing are posted on the campus housing website. All students who either choose or are required to live in university campus housing are obligated to reside there for the entire academic year. Those students who live in university campus housing are required to enroll in one of the required university campus food service plans. Furthermore, all students living in university campus housing are required to have a meningitis vaccination or a signed declination statement on file prior to moving into their assignment.

For more detailed information concerning university campus housing, go to ship.edu/housing.

Student Services

Career, Mentoring, and Professional Development Center

The Career, Mentoring, and Professional Development Center (CMPDC), located in the Ceddia Union Building (CUB 108), provides student/alumni-centered career, mentoring, and networking programs, experiences, and learning opportunities to assist students to develop and achieve personal and professional goals. The Center implements career program initiatives through employer and alumni collaboration, and outreach on and off the University campus to foster campus and community partnerships.

CMPDC provides resources in exploring career options, organizing job search programs such as preparing a resume, cover letter, and interview skills.

In addition, the CMPDC provides students with career and employer information as well as on-campus/part-time/full-time/internship opportunities through Ship Career Connection. Keeping with the Center’s commitment to meet students’ schedules and needs, the Center conducts express hours, workshops on job search and interviews, mock interviews, outreach programs for classes and organizations, appointments, and holds evening hours. Give the CMPDC a call at (717) 477-1484, an email at career@ship.edu or stop by the office for more information. Visit our website at www.ship.edu/career for more career, mentoring, and networking resources. 

Child Care

The university offers childcare through the Child and Family Center conveniently located on campus in the Grace B. Luhrs University Elementary School. The center offers developmentally appropriate curriculum, designed and led by four-year degreed teachers, as well as plenty of free play. Classes are tailored to five age ranges which include: Toddler A (12-24 months), Toddler B (24-36 months), Pre-school A (30 months-age 3), Pre-school B (ages 4-6), and School Age. Students enrolled at Shippensburg University are invited to make use of the Child and Family Center. In 2006, the center achieved NAEYC accreditation and currently holds a Keystone STARS Four-Star rating. Tuition subsidies may be available for qualified applicants. For information call 717-477-1792 or visit the Child and Family Center website at www.sufoundation.org/services/childfamilycenter.

Computing and Network Services

The university provides computing and network services for instruction, research, and administration. Students may access university e-mail, file space, and academic records. Students may also create a personal web site. Visit our website at www.ship.edu/technology.

Computer Labs

The university maintains four general-purpose computer labs as well as dozens of departmental labs and computer classrooms. All campus labs include access to printing, the complete Microsoft Office suite, SPSS statistical software, and other standard course applications. Internet access for e-mail services, research, and accessing course management systems is available in each facility. A general purpose lab in MCT054 is open 24 hours, 7 days per week. Computer workstations and laptops are also available in Ezra Lehman Memorial Library.

Technology Help Desk

The university technology help desk provides a single point of contact for students experiencing problems relating to personal computer systems and/or network connectivity. Services provided to all students include assistance with wireless connectivity, computer cleanup (virus, spyware and malware) and help with installation of university supplied software (such as anti-virus programs).

Electronic Communication Policy

At Shippensburg University electronic mail (e-mail) offers efficient, effective, and timely communication between members of the university community. Thus e-mail is an official means of communication and the primary method for university faculty, administrators, and staff to contact all students. Students are expected to use the campus e-mail service and check their e-mail accounts on a regular basis because correspondence about administrative requirements, academic issues, public safety and health, judicial affairs, emergencies, and general matters will be sent in this manner. Much of this correspondence will be time-sensitive.

Students will be given a campus e-mail account at no cost. The account is active throughout a student’s period of enrollment, including all vacation periods. Students wishing to utilize only off campus e-mail services are expected to forward their campus e-mail to that Internet provider or server. Otherwise, they are still expected to check their campus e-mail account on a regular basis. Failure to check one’s campus e-mail account in a timely manner shall not be an excuse for missing deadlines or failing to meet communicated expectations.

Therefore, all students must do the following:

  • Regularly check their accounts and read any e-mail in a timely fashion. It is preferable students read their e-mail on a daily basis but they are expected to do so at least four times per week, including all vacation and summer periods.
  • Maintain their ship.edu inbox. In particular, all students are expected to ensure use of the university’s computing systems and networks do not exceed current published limits, thereby interfering with one’s ability to receive e-mail. All students are also expected to comply with all published policies governing computing and information networking.
  • If people choose to use software to sort incoming e-mail into folders or to filter out unsolicited advertising e-mail (SPAM), they are responsible for making sure the filter rules do not accidentally delete official correspondence from the university.
  • If students choose to forward e-mail from ship.edu to another e-mail server, they are responsible for making sure the e-mail is forwarded and working properly. They must also ensure their e-mail account has adequate space available to accept new messages.

Counseling Services

The University Counseling Center (UCC) offers free, confidential counseling and psychological services for a wide range of issues, from personal growth and development to mental health concerns. Services provided include individual, couples, and group counseling; crisis intervention; and psychiatric services for undergraduate and graduate students; as well as prevention and consultation services for the entire university community.

Students’ more common concerns include the following: depression; anxiety; self-critical feelings; academic concerns including procrastination and time management; sleeping problems; uncertainty about future/life after college; finances; relationships with family, friends, roommates, or romantic partners; problems with body image, eating, or weight; sexual concerns; and alcohol/other drug abuse.

The UCC is accredited by the International Association of Counseling Services, Inc. UCC records are confidential, and do not become a part of students’ academic records. Only with a client’s written permission will information be released to anyone outside of the UCC, except as required by law. The UCC is located in the Wellness Center in Naugle Hall and is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. when classes are in session during the Fall and Spring semesters.  During Summer A and B, the UCC is open Monday through Thrusday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for counseling services, and Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for administrative purposes. Call (717) 477-1481 or visit www.ship.edu/counseling_center/ for more information.

Health Center

Student Health Services are provided at the Etter Health Center in the ground floor of Naugle Hall. Hours and information regarding the services at the health center can be found at: www.ship.edu/Health_Center/.

Shippensburg University Libraries

Ezra Lehman Memorial Library

The mission of the Ezra Lehman Memorial Library is to foster a community of academic success in an environment of personalized service, research mentorship and instruction, and connection to resources. In fulfilling this mission, the Library provides a variety of services, including the following:

  • Individualized assistance in locating books, articles, and other resources.
  • Document delivery of resources housed in the Lehman or Luhrs Libraries and acquired through interlibrary loan services.
  • Help in evaluating useful Internet resources.
  • Guidance in citing resources, avoiding plagiarism, and understanding copyright law and fair use guidelines.
  • Personalized research consultations, for one-on-one research support and mentorship.
  • Videoconferencing facilities.
  • One-touch studio facility for simplified video recording without video production experience.
  • Equipment check-out for digital cameras, digital camcorders, LCD projectors, laptops, etc.

Visit the library online at http://library.ship.edu.  For more information or assistance, call:

Lehman Library Circulation Desk
(717) 477-1465

Lehman Library Research & Information Desk
(717) 477-1474

Technology Help Desk
(717) 477-4357

Grace B. Luhrs Library

The mission of the Grace B. Luhrs Library is to encourage members of the elementary school and university community to become life-long learners using knowledge effectively in all formats to be informed and productive members of society.  In fulfilling this mission, the Library provides a variety of services, including the following:

  • Individualized assistance in locating books, articles, and other resources.
  • Help in locating and evaluating online educational resources.
  • Pre-K through Grade 5 library instruction available for observation as arranged through the Grace B. Luhrs University Elementary School.
  • A large collection of pre-K through grade 8 books and materials, including a substantial collection of leveled readers.

Visit the library online at http://library.ship.edu/luhrs.  For more information or assistance, call:

Grace B. Luhrs Library (Children’s Collection)

(717) 477-1003

Academic Technology and User Services

Visit Academic Technology and User Services online at www.ship.edu/technology

Instructional Design

  • Training and assistance for faculty with instructional strategies, pedagogy, and technology applications used at the university, including the D2L Brightspace learning management system.

For more information or assistance, call:

Instructional Design

(717) 477-1816

Web Technologies

  • Coordination of visual design and layout, web content management system development, training, and support services for the university’s web sites.

For more information or assistance, call:

Web Technologies

(717) 477-1938

Media Services

  • Technology support in presentation software including video, audio, and image editing.
  • Videoconferencing and classroom media support.
  • Television studio production facilities and remote television production support.

For more information or assistance, call:

Media Services

(717) 477-1646

Broadcasting and Campus Media Support

  • Supervision of student programmed and operated broadcasts.
  • General technical assistance to student managers and faculty advisors of SUTV, WSYC-FM, The Slate, Cumberland Yearbook, and PRSSA.

For more information or assistance, call:

Broadcast Services

(717) 477-1759

Technology Help Desk

  • Support and assistance with campus technology and student computing at the Technology Help Desk.

For more information or assistance, call:

Technology Help Desk

(717) 477-4357

Multicultural Student Center

The Office of Multicultural Student Affairs (MSA) serves as a resource for all students. In addition to supporting academic success, the MSA strives to help students develop leadership skills, increase self-awareness, and participate in experiences that will enhance cultural awareness.

Located in Gilbert Hall, the staff members in the MSA office also assist groups such as the African American Organization, Latino Student Organization, Asian American Organization, Building Bridges, along with a host of other groups, with program development and implementation. The MSA works to improve the quality of life for all students enrolled at the university.

MSA is a family who supports, advocates, challenges, and encourages one another to succeed. Our mission is to educate and graduate students who will possess a vision for leadership and a will to excel. MSA touches the lives of people who will shape the future. We hope that you will visit us at our office, utilize our meeting rooms, and attend the events that we sponsor as well as those sponsored by our student groups.

Please feel free to contact Diane Jefferson directly at dljeff@ship.edu if you would like to become involved with MSA or if you have ideas or suggestions!

Religious Life

Students are encouraged to continue to participate in religious services of their choice while attending the university. As such, a Protestant Minister as well as a Roman Catholic Priest and Catholic Campus Minister are provided to the University community through the United Campus Ministries. Many local churches also minister to the spiritual concerns of all students and provide programming.
Contact Information: Cora I. Grove Spiritual Center
Catholic Campus Ministry Office Room 215, (717) 477-1244
United Campus Ministry Office Room 213, (717) 477-1672

University Store

The University Store is located in the Ceddia Union Building.

The store provides textbooks, trade books, school supplies, gift items, imprinted clothing, greeting cards, and book-buy-back. The store is open Monday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.; Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; and 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday during the school year. For additional information, call (717) 477-1600 or visit our website http://ship.bkstr.com.

Veteran’s Services

The Veterans Service Office provides support for students who are veterans or recipients of veteran’s benefits. The office coordinates veteran’s benefits and supports students with academic and personal issues. It develops activities and programs to help vets become involved with each other and the entire campus community including picnics, Veterans Day events, fundraisers for veteran organizations, and a 9/11-remembrance program.

The Veterans Resource Center, located in the Ceddia Union Building (CUB 235), provides a space to gather and meet with other vets. The university also has an active chapter of Student Veterans of America (SVA), which provides a fellowship of like-minded individuals and creates a network of students and alumni for professional and leadership development.

For more information, go to www.ship.edu/veterans/.

Women’s Center

The Women’s Center of Shippensburg University advances the equality and empowerment of students, faculty and staff. In line with the Shippensburg University Mission Statement, the Women’s Center assists students in their personal, social and ethical development through educational programs, specialized resources, celebration of achievements by and for students, and the pursuit of social justice.

Using empowerment theory to guide our actions, the staff and volunteers of the Women’s Center advocate for victims of sexual misconduct, intimate partner abuse, and other violent crimes. We are dedicated to fostering a safe educational environment that is both respectful and inclusive to all members of our campus community. All women and men are welcomed and encouraged to use the Women’s Center services and resources.

Guided by empathy, integrity, open-mindedness and a strong commitment to collaboration, the Women’s Center works towards equality, empowerment and ending violence for all members of the Shippensburg University community. The Women’s Center serves the campus community by hosting programs, conferences, workshops and other events. The Women’s Center’s conference room, lounge, and library are valuable resources to members of the campus community. The Women’s Center is located on the first floor of Horton Hall and is online at www.ship.edu/womens_center. You can contact the Women’s Center at 717.477.1790 or womenscenter@ship.edu.

Weather Conditions

Information pertaining to cancellation of classes due to bad weather will be available by calling HOTLINE at (717) 477-1200 or visiting ship.edu/weather. When classes are canceled, radio stations in the general area will be notified. When classes are not canceled students should use their own good judgment as to whether they can make it to classes without taking unnecessary risks regarding their own safety. Accordingly, students who are unable to attend classes are responsible for contacting the instructor to make arrangements for making up any work missed.

Tuition and Fees

Please note: All fees and dates listed in this chapter are subject to change. For up-to-date information, go to www.ship.edu/Student_Accounts/Tuition_and_Fees/.

Summary of Costs for Pennsylvania Residents

Fees Per Semester 2018-19

Commuting Students
Tuition 15 credits $4,785.00
Technology Tuition Fee $239.00
Student Activity $272.00
Student Recreation Fee $185.00
Student Union Fee $300.00
Comprehensive Health Fee $170.00
Educational Services Fee $408.00

Total $6,359.00

Residence Hall Students
Tuition 15 credits $4,785.00
Technology Tuition Fee $239.00
Student Activity $272.00
Student Recreation Fee $185.00
Student Union Fee $300.00
Room and Board** $5,894.00
Comprehensive Health Fee $170.00
Educational Services Fee $408.00

Total $12,253.00

Off-Campus Students
Tuition 15 credits $4,785.00
Technology Tuition Fee $239.00
Student Activity $272.00
Student Recreation Fee $185.00
Student Union Fee $300.00
Board* (15-meal plan with $250 Flex) $1,875.00
Comprehensive Health Fee $170.00
Educational Services Fee $408.00

Total $8,234.00

* These students live in the town of Shippensburg and take their meals at the university (optional).
** Based on 2 person, 1 bedroom semi-suite and 15-meal plan with $250 Flex; other plans available.

Fees for Summer Sessions 2019

Fees and due dates are subject to change.
Tuition per credit $319.00
Technology Tuition Fee per credit $20.00
Educational Services Fee per credit $34.00
Student Union Fee per credit $20.00
Student Activity per credit $18.00
Comprehensive Health Fee per credit $11.00
Student Recreation Fee per credit $12.00

Payment of Fees

The fees for each student are payable in advance as indicated below. Payment may be made online with check or credit card (Visa, MC, Discover, American Express) or by mail with check or money order. All checks shall be made payable to Shippensburg University. Do not send cash by mail. To be admitted to classes, the dining halls, or any university activity, each student must have satisfied their semester tuition bill and be in possession of a valid identification card. Fee payment for fall semester is due early August and for spring semester is due early January.

Delinquent Accounts

No student shall be enrolled, graduated, or receive a transcript until all previous accounts have been paid. Accounts delinquent for 90 days are turned over to the Pennsylvania Attorney General for collection. 


Pennsylvania Residents

For 2018-2019, a basic tuition fee of $319 per credit will be charged to each registered student (all fees subject to change). Summer session basic fee shall be $319 per credit hour for all Pennsylvania residents.

 Undergraduate students pay the undergraduate rate for all courses, both undergraduate and graduate courses.

Tuition policy subject to change.

Out-of-State Students

For 2018-2019, full-time students whose legal residence is not in the state of Pennsylvania shall be charged an out-of-state tuition fee of $8,681 per semester in addition to all other fees. Students taking more than 18 credit hours shall pay the out-of-state tuition fee plus $725 per credit hour over 18.

Out-of-state students who are part-time shall be charged a tuition fee of $725 per credit hour and other applicable fees. Summer sessions fees are $725 per credit hour.

High-achieving non-residents admitted prior to Fall 2018, transfer students admitted effective Fall 2018, and non-residents who select a STEM or STEM education major are charged a tuition fee of $6,752. per semester. High-achieving non-residents admitted effective Fall 2018 are charged a tuition fee of $5,787. Qualifications for this Out-of-State Tuition Advantage Program can be found at www.ship.edu/Admissions/TAP/.

Non-resident students enrolled in the Dual Admission Program are charged a tuition fee of $5,787 per semester. Information on the Dual Admissions Program can be found at www.ship.edu/Admissions/Transfers/Dual_Admissions_FAQ/.

Fees are subject to change. Summer fees are for 2019 only and are subject to change.

Semester Fees

Please note: All fees and dates listed in this chapter are subject to change.

Room and Board Fee

Students may currently choose to live in suite-style residence halls. The 2018-2019 room fee for suite living ranges from $4,019 to $5,099. All students residing in the residence halls must pay the room fee, as well as the board (meal) fee. The most common meal plan, 15 meals per week with $250 flex, currently costs $1,875. Room and board is available for summer sessions.

Students arranging for housing services for periods of time differing from those set forth in the foregoing regulations shall pay fees on a pro-rated basis.

All arrangements for housing services other than those indicated above shall require prior approval by the Vice President for Student Affairs.

For a comprehensive list of room and meal rates, visit the Student Accounts web page.

Student Activity Fee

This fee is collected from all undergraduate students and is administered through Student Services, Inc. under regulations approved by the Council of Trustees. This fee covers the cost of supporting student organizations, athletics, lectures, entertainment, and publications.

The student activity fee is currently $272 per semester for students taking 12 or more credits. Students taking 1-11 credits pay $23 per credit. The summer activity fee is $18 per credit. (2018-19 rates)

Student Recreation Fee

This fee is collected from all undergraduate students and is administered through Student Services, Inc. under regulations approved by the Council of Trustees. This fee is used to fund the construction, maintenance/operational, and personnel costs related to the student recreation building and the 12-acre lighted outdoor recreation facility which includes playing fields for football, rugby, soccer, and baseball/softball; volleyball courts; fitness track; street hockey pavilion; and picnic pavilion.

The student recreation fee is currently $185 per semester for students taking 12 or more credits; students taking 1-11 credits pay $15 per credit. The summer recreation fee is $12 per credit. (2018-19 rates)

Student Union Fee

State law and policies of the Board of Governors of Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education require the cost of constructing the original Ceddia Union Building and its additions be paid by students enrolled at the university. This fee is applicable to all full- and part-time students, both graduate and undergraduate, during both regular semesters and summer sessions, in accordance with the following schedule established by the university Council of Trustees:

The student union fee is currently $300 per semester for undergraduates taking 12 or more credits; students taking 1-11 credits pay $25 per credit. The summer student union fee is $20 per credit. (2018-19 rates)

Comprehensive Health Fee

A Comprehensive Health Fee will be charged to all full- and part-time students in all semesters and sessions to finance, in part, the Etter Health Center and its various programs of treatments and education and the Counseling Center. Students have access to the services of the health center 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Under the policies of the State System Board of Governors, auxiliary enterprises, such as health centers, must be financially self-sufficient. The Comprehensive Health Fee is not an insurance fee and must be paid whether or not the student has his/her own health insurance. This fee is currently $170 per semester for students taking 12 credits or more. Students taking 1-11 credits pay $14 per credit.

The summer Comprehensive Health Fee is $11 per credit. (2018-19 rates)

Educational Services Fee

An educational services fee will be charged to all students in all semesters and sessions to cover unusual costs of certain special programs and/or operational and equipment needs. This fee is currently $408 per semester for students taking 12 credits or more. Students taking 1-11 credits pay $34 per credit.

The summer educational services fee is $30 per credit. (2018-19 rates)

Technology Tuition Fee

This fee is set annually by the State System Board of Governors. Purposes of the technology tuition fee are: to acquire, install, and maintain up-to-date and emerging technologies for the purpose of enhancing student-learning outcomes; to provide equitable access to technology resources; and to ensure State System graduates are competitive in the technologically sophisticated workplace.

The technology tuition fee is not a user fee. It is a fee paid by all students, proportional to their enrollment status (full-time/part-time) and to their residency status (in-state/out-of-state).

Currently, the technology tuition fee for full-time students is $239 in-state and $364 out-of-state. Part-time students are charged $20 per credit in-state and $30 per credit out-of-state. The summer technology tuition fee is $20 per credit in-state, $30 per credit out-of-state. (2018-19 rates)

Special Fees

Please note: All fees and dates listed in this chapter are subject to change.

Application Fee

An application fee of $45 for students seeking admission or readmission to the university shall accompany the application for admission. This fee covers processing the application and is not refundable. Non-degree students shall pay an application fee of $15.

Orientation Fee

A one-time $150 orientation fee will be paid by each new student (first year and transfer) to support orientation programs at the university. This fee will be charged whether or not the student chooses to attend orientation.

Damage Fee

Students are financially liable for damage, breakage, loss, or delayed return of university property, as determined by the appropriate university administrators. A common damage fee of $10 per semester per residence hall student will be charged.

Degree Fee

A fee of $35 shall be paid by each undergraduate candidate to cover the cost of the diploma.

Bad Check Fee

A fee of $35 may be charged for each paper check or electronic check that is not honored by the payer’s bank.

Credit by Exam Fee

An administrative fee of $80 will be charged for each course taken by examination for credit, regardless of the number of credits. This fee is payable prior to sitting for the examination.

Late Registration Fee

Students confirming attendance by submitting the semester payment after the semester billing due date will be required to pay a late payment fee of $100.


Please note: All fees, deposits, refunds, and dates listed in this chapter are subject to change.

Advance Registration Deposit

An advance registration deposit of $100 shall be paid by all new students. This deposit is required when the student is approved for admission to the university. This is a guarantee of the applicant’s intention to register at the university for the semester indicated on the admissions letter. The amount of $100 is deposited with Shippensburg University to the credit of the student’s basic fee. Advance deposits are non-refundable.

Residence Hall Room Deposit

Returning students who arrange to live in university housing during the academic year are required to confirm the room assignment by paying a deposit. New students will pay the deposit when they are approved for admission to the university and annually when making a residence hall reservation. This deposit will be an advance payment toward the room fee for the second semester of the academic year. No residence hall reservation will be held unless it is confirmed by the payment of this deposit.

Refunds to Students

Please note: All fees, deposits, refunds, and dates listed in this chapter are subject to change.

The refund procedure and schedules below are currently in effect. Refund policies and percentages may be changed by Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education.

Requests for refunds must be submitted in writing to the dean of the appropriate college, who must consider each such request and forward a recommendation to the registrar, who will notify the Student Accounts Office. For refunding purposes, a student is considered to be in class attendance up to the date on which official notification of withdrawal is given. Students will not receive refunds for courses dropped after the drop period each semester. Refunds are only issued for full university withdrawals from all classes in the semester. The official date of withdrawal is the date the college dean approved withdrawal. Refunds are not authorized for temporary absences within the semester.

The housing fee is not refundable when a student terminates occupancy of a residence hall for reasons other than withdrawal from the university, except when a student moves to his/her permanent home address because of financial or other emergency reasons. This exception must be authorized by the housing director.

The refund policy is summarized below and applies to students who withdraw from the university. The policy is mandated by the State System Board of Governors.

Refund Policy for University Withdrawals for classes held in the full 16 week semester

Reduction in Charges

Through drop period 100%
Drop period through 2nd week 80%
3rd week 60%
4th week 50%
5th week 40%
After 5th week No refund

Refund Policy for Room and Board

Reduction in Charges

Day 1- end of 1st week 90%
2nd week 80%
3rd week 60%
4th week 50%
5th week 40%
After 5th week No refund

Charges are based on the check-out date and date of last meals or flex eaten. Block meal plans and flex plans are based on actual usage through the 5th week. Standard meal plans are based on the percentages above.

Advance deposits, orientation fee, and technology fee are non-refundable.

Refund Policy for Summer Sessions (2019) for a Full 6-Week Term

Reduction in Charges

  6-Week Term
Day 1-3 100%
Day 4-5 80%
Day 6-8 60%
Day 9-11 50%
Day 12-13 40%
Day 14 No Refund

Days in the summer refund schedule include weekend days.

The refund schedules assume the student account is paid in full and the percentages are not being applied to a partial payment of tuition.

If a student is a recipient of federal Title IV financial aid, calculations must be made to determine the percentage of earned and unearned aid based upon the official withdrawal date. The amount of aid that is earned is determined on a pro-rated basis. For example, if 30 percent of the semester has been completed, then 30 percent of the aid is earned. Once more than 60 percent of the semester has been completed, then 100 percent of the aid is earned. If more Title IV aid has been earned than received, then a post withdrawal disbursement may be due to the student. If more Title IV aid has been received than earned, the school must return a portion of the excess aid.

Returns of unearned aid to the federal programs are required by law to be the first priority and must be returned in the following order:

  1. Federal Unsubsidized Loan
  2. Federal Subsidized Loan
  3. Federal Perkins Loan
  4. Federal Parent PLUS Loan
  5. Federal Pell Grant
  6. Federal SEOG
  7. Federal TEACH Grant

In many cases a student may owe a balance to the university after Title IV aid is returned.

For more up-to-date detailed information regarding refunding and the calculations of earned and unearned aid, please visit the Student Accounts link of the Shippensburg University website at www.ship.edu.

Refund policies are subject to change by the university and the State System.

Fee Waiver for Senior Citizens

Tuition charges and all fees, except the Educational Service Fee and Technology Fee, may be waived for senior citizens enrolled in any undergraduate program providing space is available within the desired course(s) and class(es). The application for this waiver is available at https://www.ship.edu/globalassets/registrar/senior-citizen-fee-waiver.pdf

The form should be completed by the requesting student and submitted to the dean of the college in which the student is enrolling, prior to registration for the course(s) to which it will apply. Requests for retroactive waivers will not be considered. All other fees described in this catalog are due and payable at time of registration.

A senior citizen is defined as a retired United States citizen residing in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania who is 60 or more years of age. Documentation proving the requesting student meets the above eligibility criteria will be required.

Pennsylvania Resident Status

Students enrolling at Shippensburg University shall be classified as resident or nonresident for admission, tuition, and fee purposes by the Admissions Office. The decision shall be based upon information furnished by the student and all other relevant information. The Admissions Office is authorized to require such written documents, affidavits, verifications, or other evidence as are deemed necessary to establish the domicile of a student. The burden of establishing residency for tuition and fee purposes is upon the student.

If there is a question as to residence after the student matriculates, the matter must be brought to the attention of the vice president for student affairs at least two weeks prior to the deadline for the payment of tuition and fees. Any student found to have made a false or misleading statement concerning residence shall be subject to institutional disciplinary action and will be charged the non-resident fees for each academic term heretofore attended.

Residence Determined by Domicile

A minor is presumed to have the domicile of his/her parent(s) or guardian. The age of majority in the Commonwealth for establishing a domicile for tuition purposes is 22. Domicile within the Commonwealth means adoption of the state as a fixed permanent home and involves personal presence within the state with no intent on the part of the applicant or, in the case of the dependent student, the applicant’s parent(s) to return to another state or country. Residing with relatives (other than parent(s)/legal guardian) does not, in and of itself, cause the student to attain residence in the Commonwealth for admission or fee payment purposes. Pennsylvania domicile may be established upon the completion of at least 12 months of continued residence within the state prior to the date of registration, provided such 12 months residency is not primarily for the purpose of attendance at Shippensburg University.

Establishment of Pennsylvania domicile with less than 12 months residence prior to the date of registration must be supported by proof of positive and unequivocal action. Priority consideration will normally be given to such evidence as the purchase of a Pennsylvania home, full-time employment within the state, paying Pennsylvania property tax, filing Pennsylvania income tax returns, and registering motor vehicles in Pennsylvania. Other items of importance that are required are registering to vote in Pennsylvania and the actual exercise of such right, possessing a valid Pennsylvania driver’s license, and various other acts which may give evidence of intent to remain indefinitely within the state. Proof of a number of these actions shall be considered only as evidence which may be used in determining whether or not a domicile has been established. Factors mitigating against establishment of Pennsylvania residency might include such considerations as the student not being self-supporting, being claimed as a dependent on federal or state income tax returns, or the parents’ health insurance if the parents reside out-of-state, and receiving financial assistance from state student aid programs in other states.

A student receiving a scholarship or grant dependent upon domicile from a state other than Pennsylvania is not domiciled in Pennsylvania.

Dependency Status

A dependent student is one who is listed as a dependent on the federal or state income tax return of his/her parent(s) or legal guardian or who received major financial support from that person. Such a student maintains the same residency as that of the parent(s) or legal guardian. In the event the parents are divorced or legally separated, the dependent student takes the residence of the parent with whom he/she lives or to whom he/she has been assigned by court order.

A minor may prove emancipation and independent domicile through convincing evidence. A non-resident student who becomes independent while a student at Shippensburg University does not, by reason of such independence alone, attain residence in the state for admission and fee payment purposes.

Change of Residence

A student who has been classified as an out-of-state resident and who seeks resident status must assume the burden of providing conclusive evidence he/she has established domicile in Pennsylvania with the intention of making his/her permanent home in this state. The intent to remain indefinitely in Pennsylvania is evidenced not only by a person’s statements but also by that person’s actions.

An application should be obtained from the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs and returned to that office at least two weeks prior to the deadline for the payment of tuition and fees with sufficient evidence to support a request for a change to in-state residency for fee paying purposes.

A student who changes domicile from Pennsylvania to another state must promptly give written notice to the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs.


A member of the armed forces who was domiciled in the Commonwealth immediately preceding entry into government service and who has continuously maintained Pennsylvania as his or her legal residence shall be presumed to have a Pennsylvania domicile.

Any military personnel or their dependents who are assigned to an active duty station in Pennsylvania and who reside in Pennsylvania shall be considered Pennsylvania residents for tuition payment purposes.


A person attempting to establish domicile shall be a citizen or shall have indicated by formal action intention to become a citizen or shall have been admitted to the United States on an Immigrant Visa.

Financial Aid

The university makes every effort to serve eligible students in need of financial assistance through part-time employment, loans and grants, or scholarships.

Please note: All fees, dates and aid amounts listed in this chapter are subject to change .

Financial Aid Application

All prospective and returning students who wish to receive financial aid (grants, loans, and student employment) must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) every year. Financial need will be determined by subtracting the Expected Family Contribution (calculated using a federally legislated formula and the information provided on the FAFSA) from the total cost of attendance for a year at Shippensburg University, to determine need for aid.

The results of the FAFSA must be received by the Financial Aid Office by May 1 of the upcoming academic year for a Pennsylvania student to be considered for PHEAA State Grant. Students are advised to complete the FAFSA by March 30 in order to meet the State Grant date of May 1st. Our Title IV School Code is 003326.

Course Program of Study

Your enrollment affects eligibility for federal financial aid.  Federal regulations require students to be enrolled in an approved degree-seeking program.  Only coursework that counts toward the completion of the degree will be used in determining enrollment status for federal financial aid purposes (grants, loans, and Federal Work-Study).

Academic Progress

Federal regulation requires students to make Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) toward the completion of a degree in order to maintain their eligibility for the following programs: Federal Pell Grant, Federal Teach Grant, Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG), Federal Work Study, Federal Direct Loans, and Federal PLUS Loan. Federal policies concerning SAP dictate that SAP must be measured three ways. By:

  • Cumulative GPA
  • Percentage of Credits Earned (Pace)
  • Maximum Time Frame

Undergraduates must meet the following guidelines for federal aid:

  • Maintain a 1.7 cumulative GPA during your first three terms of enrollment (transfer credits from other schools will be counted based on terms enrolled at previous school)
  • Maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA for your fourth term of enrollment and beyond
  • Complete (pass) at least 67% of credits attempted. Example: if you have attempted 30 credits, and have passed 21 credits, you have passed 70% of your credits. If you attempted 30 credits and passed only 18 credits, you have earned only 60% of your credits and would not be making Satisfactory Academic Progress.

The PHEAA State Grant program has slightly different criteria for determining satisfactory academic progress. A full-time State Grant recipient must complete 24 new credits* per academic year to maintain eligibility for the grant. A part-time student must complete the proportional equivalent in order to maintain eligibility (e.g., if two half-time awards are awarded in a year, the student must complete at least 12 new credits in that year).

Satisfactory Academic Progress for federal aid will be measured at the end of fall, spring and summer terms. Satisfactory Academic Progress for PHEAA state grant is determined annually, at the end of spring term.

For complete information on Satisfactory Academic Progress, go to http://www.ship.edu/Financial_Aid/Eligibility/.

*Repeated courses count as new credits only if the student originally received an F or W in the course.

Student Campus Employment

Part-time employment opportunities on campus are available through the Federal (FWS) and Commonwealth work programs. Students with financial need as demonstrated through the completion of a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) are considered for Federal Work Study (FWS). Students receiving FWS can receive guidance in job placement from the Financial Aid Office. These positions include work in administrative and faculty offices, the library, residence halls, and campus grounds.

All students interested in working on campus (both FWS awarded students, and all other students) are encouraged to utilize the electronic job board hosted by the Office of Career Development. Directions on setting up your profile and exploring available positions on campus and in the surrounding area can be found at: http://www.ship.edu/Career/.

Summer Campus Employment

Summer employment opportunities can be accessed through the Ship Career Website. Please refer to Student Campus Employment section and follow those instructions.

Grants and Loans

PHEAA State Grant

The Pennsylvania State Grant program is a potential source of funding for Shippensburg University students who are residents of Pennsylvania. The PA state grant program is administered by PHEAA (Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency). Pennsylvania state grant awards can range from $500 to $4000 depending on the level of funding set by PHEAA each year. A student’s eligibility will be determined by PHEAA based on financial need and cost of attendance at the college. Students must be enrolled in courses applicable to the degree or program objective to which funds are disbursed.

Students apply for the PA state grant by completing the FAFSA application no later than May 1st of each year. Students must complete their FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) by the May 1st deadline to be considered for the PA state grant for the award year. All FAFSA applications submitted after May 1st will be considered late for the PA state grant program.

When students complete the FAFSA and indicate Pennsylvania residency, they will be offered an optional link on the FAFSA certification page that will ask if they would like to complete the PA State Grant form. Those students who choose this link will be moved directly to the on-line State Grant form. For students who do not complete the State Grant form at the same time as they submit their initial FAFSA, an email from PHEAA will be generated directing the student to Account Access at www.pheaa.org to complete the State Grant form.

Additional information may be requested by PHEAA after the initial PA State Grant form is filed. This request will be sent to the email address provided on the FAFSA. Students and parents should respond directly to PHEAA with the information requested.

Federal PELL Grant

The Federal Pell Grant is gift aid and awarded to undergraduate students pursuing their first bachelor’s degree. Eligibility is based on a federal formula using the information provided on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Awards vary from $626 to $5,920 (in the 17-18 year) depending on financial need. Eligibility will vary based on credit hours. Amounts may change based on federal regulations. Not all students will qualify.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)

A limited amount of funds from the Federal Supplemental Grant (SEOG) program are available for students demonstrating highest financial need. The information provided on the FAFSA will be used to determine student eligibility. Federal SEOG is awarded to Pell eligible students. Awards vary based on financial need and fund availability. Not all students will qualify.

Federal Direct Loan Program

The Federal Direct Loan

The Federal Direct Loan is available for all students enrolled at least half-time. There are two types of Federal Direct Loans: subsidized and unsubsidized. The subsidized loan is interest-free while the student is in school and is awarded based on financial need. Interest accrues on the unsubsidized loan while the student is enrolled in school. The borrower may opt to pay it as it accrues, or allow it to accrue and capitalize. The unsubsidized loan is a non-need based loan program.

The maximum Federal Direct Loan per academic year is currently $5,500 for freshmen, $6,500 for sophomores, and $7,500 for juniors and seniors. An independent student may borrow an additional $4,000 per year as a freshman or sophomore, and an additional $5,000 per year as a junior or senior. To be eligible for a loan, a student must be accepted for matriculation or matriculating at Shippensburg University.

The Federal Direct Parent Loan

The Federal Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students is available for parents of dependent undergraduate students. A parent may borrow up to the cost of attendance less any other financial aid received. It is a fixed interest rate loan on which the parent may begin repayment 60 days after it is disbursed or allow it to accrue and capitalize.

Application Instructions and Disbursement Information

To apply for a Federal Direct Loan, the student/parent should apply online at www.studentloans.gov.

The amount borrowed will be issued via electronic funds transfer. Loans are disbursed in two equal disbursements over the course of the loan period (for example, a fall/spring loan would have two disbursements: one in the fall semester and the other in the spring semester). The loan must be for educational expenses. The student borrower, regardless of age, will be solely responsible for receiving and repaying any student loan under the Federal Direct Loan program.