Mar 13, 2025
2021-2023 - Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Spanish with Secondary Certification, B.A.
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Foreign Language Requirement:
All students completing a Bachelor of Arts degree are required to attain proficiency in a foreign language. Proficiency may be satisfied by completing a language class at the 103 (intermediate) level or three years of any one foreign language in high school. Students may also meet this requirement through AP or CLEP testing. (36 crs.)
All courses required for the Spanish major are taught in Spanish. These courses cannnot be used to fulfill General Education requirements. Courses numbered below Spanish 200 do not count for the major. Professional Education courses offered by other departments are taught in English. This program is nationally recognized by ACTFL/NCATE. Required Spanish (30 crs.)
Spanish Electives (6 crs.)
- Two additional Spanish courses-at least one at the 300 level or above;at least one at the 400 level
Spanish majors and minors are strongly urged to take history, political science, and geography courses that deal with Spanish-speaking countries. Required Professional Education Courses (30 crs.)
If planning to teach Spanish
* Students seeking certification in secondary education must also complete 1 writing course (ENG 114 or ENG 115 ), 1 literature course (ENG 190 , ENG 243 , ENG 248 , or ENG 250 ), and 2 math courses (except MAT 185 ). If any exceptions are made, they must be approved by the Teacher Education Office. Other requirements for teacher certification are available from the Department of Modern Languages. Dual Certification Spanish and Another Field
Students planning to teach will find it to their advantage to work for dual certification in two modern languages, a modern language and English, or a modern language and another field. To achieve dual certification a student must have the approval of both departments involved, complete the normal requirements for a major in the primary area of interest and a 30-hour sequence in the secondary area of specialization, plus appropriate courses in the methodology and student teaching in both areas. General Education
General Education Requirements |
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